13 August 2012

5 Resources to Inspire Your Advanced Discrete Manufacturing


I always love finding new materials for inspiration and learning about advanced discrete manufacturing. I’d like to share some inspiring resources that may perhaps help you with your ADM efforts.

Advanced Discrete Manufacturing Resources

Design Patterns for Flexible Manufacturing

Written by Dennis Brandl, this book is a solid source of information for those looking to elevate their advanced discrete manufacturing. From manufacturing control to master and control procedures, this book is a read for any manufacturing professional.

Analysis of Design of Discrete Part Production Lines

Truly advanced discrete manufacturing takes strategy and the production line design element is a big part of that. This book looks more at the analysis of the production lines and how manufacturers can stay on track to keep up with demand.

Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management

A book by F. Robert Jacobs, this resource goes into a good amount of detail about planning for manufacturers and how it helps control supply chain management. Again, when it comes to advanced discrete manufacturing, this book is a must have for inspiration for any manufacturing professional. This book is so good, this is it’s sixth edition!

How to Implement Lean Manufacturing

Advanced discrete manufacturing can vastly benefit from lean practices and this book really focuses on that. By Lonnie Wilson, it digs into what it takes to implement lean practices in today’s enterprise manufacturing environment. Give it a look and see how it can inspire your manufacturing practices.

Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems

Solving problems is part of any manufacturers day and that’s where this book really shines. Going into the technical and engineering-oriented approach, Mikell P. Groover is a source of inspiration for those looking at advanced discrete manufacturing, from an engineer’s point of view.

Inspiration Brings Success

Practicing lean manufacturing strategies, more manufacturers must learn to find ways to evolve their operations. I say go out and find sources of information, like those above, to inspire your advanced discrete manufacturing processes.

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Luciano Cunha
Luciano Cunha,
Luciano Cunha,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

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